April 2023 Post Report

American Legion, Post 208, Millis, Massachusetts Minutes of Regular Post Meeting, Sunday 16 April 2023

On Sunday, 16 April 2023, at 4:15 PM, the Regular monthly meeting of the Membership of Post 208 American Legion in Millis MA was called to order by the Post Commander Robert Yeager. This was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance lead by Commander Yeager. A prayer lead by the Post Chaplain Alan Burch followed. The preamble to the Constitution of the American was recited by all the present membership led by Commander Yeager who then led in a salute to the Missing and POWs.

Commander Yeager checked with the assembled membership for information on any deceased or ill Members of Post 208. There were no additional passing of any post members.

The Post 208, Adjutant Robert Bryant was absent and the 1st Vice Commander Lawrence McCarter is recording the minutes on behalf of the Adjutant.

Post Finance Officer Robert Yeager made the finance report to the Membership. A motion was made to accept the minutes of the Finance Report as read, subject to audit. The motion was passed by unanimous Vote of the Post 208 Membership present.

The Post 208 Scout Representative Todd Nolan was absent. There also wasn't any activity to report from the Post Service officer Lawrence McCarter. Other committees also had no reports. On behalf of the Membership Officer Robert Bryant , Commander Yeager reports that 75 Members have paid their dues for 2023 renewal. It was also suggested renewal be sent directly to the Post which will result in a much quicker response and issue of new ID cards as opposed to sending them to National Headquarters.

Commander Yeager called upon new members of Post 208, Paricia Poff, a Gulf War, US Army Veteran, Rick Jones, a USAF Veteran and James Anthony, a US Navy Veteran who were all present to introduce themselves and tell a little about their Military service and other details.

With No further discussion needed on any other Old business Commander Yeager asked for any new business to come before the Membership of Post 208, Millis, MA

With Memorial Day approaching 1st Vice Commander Lawrence McCarter briefed the membership present on the program which will be held on Monday, 29 May 2023. First will be a free breakfast for Veteran’s at 8:00 AM. At 9:30 AM, marchers for the parade will form up in the parking lot in back of the Millis Police Station. The parade will step off at 10:00 AM with and estimated time of arrival of 10:15 AM at the War Memorials in front of the Veteran’s Memorial Building, (Millis Town Offices) for the formal ceremonies. Most of the program is completed except for a few people to accomplish certain tasks or speeches during the ceremony. McCarter, will contact Janice Norton to make final arrangements for the Millis High school band and also Bruce Hall for one of the buglers. Also McCarter will attempt to contact the Millis choral for their participation in the Memorial day ceremony.

For the firing Squad Thomas Howie and Mark Rapone will be taking charge of those details, to participate and find other members of the AMVETS, Post 495, and/or Legion Post 208 to also assist. On the subject of Grand Marshal Edward Shropshire was suggested and the members present thought that would be a good idea. Ed is already the Bell Ringer but the Marshall can speak or not speak as they choose. Other positions that needed filling, Patrica Poff will read the Gettysberg Address, Flander’s Field will be read by James T. Waters and Richard Jones will lay the wreath at the Veteran’s Memorial . We still need a featured speaker. Commander Yeager will also be talking to the Town of Millis Veteran’s Agent John Moore, Major, USMC (Ret) who will also be included to speak in the Memorial Day program. . 1st Vice Commander McCarter ,will get the list of deceased Veterans from the Town Clerks office starting with those passed after last years Memorial day in 2022 to the present in 2023. The rest of the program for 2023 Memorial day is already completed and the new additions of people will be added.

After the service at the Millis Veteran’s Memorial Building park Members will return to their vehicles and proceed to a separate short ceremony will be held at the Prospect Hill Cemetery Veterans section. The buglers and firing squad will join them there.

A nomination of Officers for Post 208 for the 2023-2024 term of office was completed which included the entire current slate of officers for re-election except for 2nd Vice Commander to which Mark Rapone was nominated for that office. Nominations can still be made up to and including the day of the Post 208 election.

Commander Robert Yeager asked the Membership if there was any further business to be raised at the post meeting. There were no further issues to be raised . A closing prayer was lead by the Post 208 Chaplain Alan Burch.. The Post Commander Robert Yeager then declared the meeting of Post 208, American Legion to be adjourned at 5:20 PM .

Respectfully Submitted On behalf of the Post Adjutant Robert Bryant,
Lawrence J. McCarter, 1st Vice Commander
American Legion, Post 208
Millis, MA